Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers Essay

It’s very interesting that I find myself writing about something that not only is commonsense, but what is more, something that every one knows about in general but may not in particular. Alcohol use among teenagers is a serious problem and is responsible for death and injury in automobile accidents, physical and emotional disability, deterioration of academic performances, aggressive behavior that causes a number of other sociological problems in families and among friends. It is also the primary cause of criminal behavior and a leading cause of broken marriages. As we know it’s a broad topic therefore I’ll look at the role that alcohol plays in the society and it’s impact on teenage addiction. MATTER OF CONCERN (Causes and effects) The age when young people are taking their first drink is becoming lower each year. Many studies show that preteens are experimenting with alcohol and many are already heavy drinkers (Cahalan 1997). It may be difficult for parents and teachers to believe that a seventh grade student can have an alcohol problem, but a study of student drinking practices shows that 5% of seventh-grade boys and 4. 4% of seventh-grade girls are seriously abusing alcohol (Royce 1996). That’s why we see the consequences in terms of antisocial behavior, school failure, attention deficit, learning disabilities and road accidents among the teenagers. THE MAIN CAUSE ?.. MEDIA. Despite the problems caused to young and old by alcohol, society sends mixed signals to its youth. Media presents alcohol drinking with peers as not only acceptable but also to insure friendship and as a romantic beverage. Movies present a realistic picture of alcohol abuse. A report by â€Å"scientific analysis corporation† examined drinking practices on television and found that out of 225 programs 701 alcoholic drinking acts were recorded which were against the voluntary code (Jean Lennane,1995) of the liquor industry. The code states that: a) Any actor shown drinking must be over the age sixty. a) Any drinking shown should be natural, sensible and responsible. a) Ads should not suggest that drinking alcohol contributes toward social, sexual or supporting success or as being a pre-requisite of relaxation. a) Ads should not challenge or dare people to consume alcohol. We can see the ads any night and judge rather how many don’t breach the voluntary code. AVAIBILITY AND ACCEPTABILITY A leading cause is that alcoholic drinks can be easily obtained and these are socially more acceptable than other drugs. Parents, teenagers and educators often fail to realize the potential for problems that alcohol presents to the immature psyche and body(Kay Healey, 1997). At the time when body and emotions are maturing, frequent or excessive use of alcohol can cause irrapareable damage. MISCONCEPTION: Drinking alcohol is only viewed as an adult behavior in the society. Alcoholic beverages are advertised and marketed as being associated with sexuality and romance, but, infact alcohol is a depressant which decreases overall sexual performance and dulls pleasurable feelings. (Kay Healey,1997) FAMILY FACTORS: Parental attitude and behavior regarding alcohol use play important role in how their children view it’s use. Evidence exists that a family history of antisocial and poor parenting increases the risk of having children who use alcohol and other drugs. The home is the primary source of alcohol for the young adolescent. ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT: Teenagers report that they drink for enjoyment, to forget problems or to reduce stress and anxiety in their lives. Teenagers, however are at increased risk of becoming intoxicated while drinking less than adults because of their limited experience with alcohol and smaller body size. Depressed or those teenagers who have been physically or sexually abused may use alcohol in an attempt to cope with their psychological distress DRUNK DRIVING Inexperienced driving combined with inexperienced drinking is a deadly combination . A report from â€Å"National Centre For Health Statistics† shows that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among persons Between 15-23 years of age. Although they may reserve the right to drive, but, of course no right to put the others in danger while accidents. OTHER EFFECTS: Underage drinking has countless effects and therefore, it’s impossible to take all of them into account. Research shows that of those who began drinking at the age of 18,66% subsequently are classified with alcohol dependence and 7. 8% with alcohol abuse. If a person waits until the age of 21 before taking their first drink, these risks decreases by 60%. (Grant 103) Alcohol use can affect teenagers health, family relationships and can also place other members of the society in danger. It has a tendency to lower the productivity and the quality of work being done and can cause problems in both one’s school and career. Economic costs are also an issue when it comes to underage drinking. IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM: Identifying the teenager alcohol abuser is difficult but not impossible. Specific behavior and characteristics to watch for to determine if alcohol abuse is occurring include the following; a) frequent absenteeism. b) decline in academic performance. c) lack of interest in extracurricular activities d) problems with peers e) self destructive behavior f) lack of energy g) lack of concern about personal wellbeing. h) obvious signs of intoxication CONCLUSION: Alcohol abuse among teenagers and even younger children is a rapidly growing social problem. Alcohol is glamorized in movies and television. Beer commercials using sports figures try to convince teenagers. As a society we send mixed signals to our youth about alcohol use, on the one hand we talk about it, joke about it, and treat it as not only acceptable but also desirable. On the other hand we recognize the problems caused by alcohol abuse. Death and injuries in traffic accidents, loss of productivity, child abuse, broken homes and other serious societal problems linked to alcohol. REMEDY: In my suggestion, an intensive education program supported by the community with qualified persons and also supported by the government in terms of financial support can positively change the attitudes and cause significant change in knowledge about alcohol. Schools can play an important role to initiate education and preventive efforts because they reach more students than any other place. It also involves complete commitment with extensive planning. REFERENCES  · Grant 1996,adolescent drug abuse, vol 76, pgg 84,85.  · Cahalan 1997, underage use and abuse of alcohol, pg 87  · Royce 1996, alcohol,the national hangover, pg 44  · Jean Lennane 1995, alcohol, pg 56  · Alcohol, the facts, 1997, Australian government publishing service,pg148  · Key Healey, 1997,Alcohol, The facts, pg 176 ADDITIONAL READINGS  · Gall T. L. , 1996 , Statistics on alcohol use,gale research inc.  · Alcoholism, 1998,vol 64, Neil kessel and Henry Walton.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Importance of French Education for Engineers

French education for engineers is significantly different from that of the United States. This fact will be the topic of this paper as well as the sequencing of French education. There are four schools in France that provide for the bulk of the engineering education after high school. These are called National Instituts For Applied Sciences or INSA. These institutions are very comprehensive and high level. The National Instituts For Applied Sciences or INSA take students who have completed their secondary school studies and select them on the basis of their examination results and their academic records. The recruitment is highly selective. In 1991, 11,000 candidates with a science baccalaureat applied for about 1,200 places.[1] It is therefore obvious, that the INSAs attract students with a high level of scientific education in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The studies begin with a two-year basic study program in the Premier Cycle, which is comprised of general science courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics and computer science. These courses are also complimented with courses in the Liberal Arts. The students who pass the first and second year exams are admitted to the Engineering Departments where they continue their studies for three additional years. This enables the students to specialize in nearly all the different engineering sciences: computer studies, mechanics, physics, chemistry and biochemistry. One original aspect of the INSAs is that, the number of students in a department can vary depending on the state of employment prospects. All the INSAs train their students according to the same principles and curricula as the other four institutions. The First cycle is a two-year program of common core classes that welcomes secondary school graduates. Its goal is to prepare students for entry into one of the Institute's specialized departments. The initial qualifications of those who apply for admission to INSA guarantee the high quality of the students: 80% of them graduate in 5 years and 5% in 6 years. [1] Engineering studies start concurrently with the first year of their training. After a two-year preparatory phase, the first cycle begins putting an ambitious regiment into place. The goal of this regiment is, first of all, to give students the common scientific, technical, and liberal arts training necessary for all departments. In order to achieve this goal, course work is divided into modules that are independent of each other. The second goal of the regiment is to encourage students to make the transition from high school student to a responsible higher level student with clearly defined professional goals. As a result of the quality of these different goals, the first cycle plays an important role in both engineering sciences as well as the liberal arts through both years. EURINSA is another two-year European first cycle in engineering studies that has, since 1991, been training European students (including French students) to be part of an international team. The scientific training, conducted in French but adapted to engineering students from different backgrounds (language abilities), allows the students to enroll in any one of the four INSAs in France or even in one of their European counter parts. The program is open to approximately 100 students (at each institution) of whom 1/3 are French, 1/3 are from other European countries, and 1/3 from Central and Eastern Europe.[3] The INSAs produce highly qualified engineers. There are some main differences between studying at an INSA and in the universities of the other European countries. One difference is that French students specialize only at the end of the first two years (the â€Å"Premier Cycle†). This form of training provides them with a vast scientific background, which guarantees a good overall training in the engineering sciences. This method also allows them to change their area of concentration, if necessary during the course of their career. As the INSAs and the â€Å"Grandes Ecoles† are highly selective, very few students drop out during the Premier Cycle whereas, in the traditional university system, there is a high dropout rate or at least a decision to change their course of study. Unlike the University system, the students at an INSA have many general courses. Although all European countries announce a training scheme which lasts approximately 5 years, the fact that attendance is not 100% and that students are permitted to repeat years, means that becoming a qualified engineer could take two or three years longer.[3] Engineering training fields and engineer status differ widely among countries. In other European Countries as well as the United States for example, the seemingly simple problem of correspondence among degrees, not to mention equivalence, is far from being solved, and the notion of harmonizing the numerous systems does not seem realistic. Educational system's specification's are deeply rooted in the country's culture, industry and economy. Large discrepancies appear in Europe between: kinds of high-school studies and their length before college entrance, means of student recruitment, length of training (in terms of number of years of study), degree awarding, academic recognition, professional recognition, etc. In many countries, two engineer profiles coexist: a design engineer with a broad background training, and a production and application engineer. For each profile, there are nevertheless important national particulars. With such diversity, one may understand why a foreign candidate admission in a French engineering college does not assume automatic level equivalence rules. Instead results from various factors: number of study years, major and minor fields of studies, major projects, etc. Therefore, there is only one European general objective in this area, dealing with recognizing degrees obtained after at least three higher education years. These are valued for entrance in professions having regulated access. Because of this definite lack of equivalence standards, Europeans have decided to develop student and professional mobility by recognizing and validating studies engaged in at colleges in other countries . This process has strongly developed in some cases, through the development of programs leading to double degrees, or through the E.C.T.S. project (European Credit Transfer System), based on academic credits which are transferable within higher education institutions of the European Union.[3] Institutions wishing to participate in E.C.T.S., particularly those following non-university framework, must make great efforts to adapt. They have to reorganize their training programs or curriculum with credit hours and they have to use a universal grading scale. The University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC) was the first French engineering school to engage in ECTS in the field of mechanical engineering. Other schools, like INSA of Lyon have more recently done the same. Apart from this very structured system, recognition of study periods among institutions from several countries appears more and more to be an essential component of an international open policy. Partnership agreements exist also with American universities, for instance between the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine and Kansas State University and University of Wisconsin at Madison. Developing this practice and expanding the student exchanges depends on firm relationships between foreign schools. A new attitude has developed, where one takes notice of differences between systems, without making value judgements. Thus, these new relations are creating more awareness of the equivalence problem and providing better methods for rectification. The École Polytechnique constitutes the â€Å"graduate schools.† It takes 2 to 3 years of study and, in 1993, there were 46,000 students enrolled in the second cycle.[3] Each year, the École Polytechnique admits slightly more than 400 students into the Second Cycle, via traditional competitive examinations.[4] These students are of both sexes, may be either French or foreign, and are approximately 21 years old. The instructional program for the Second Cycle consists of two years of advanced courses in the fundamental sciences. The program is evenly divided between a core curriculum, and an elective curriculum that includes individual research projects. All students follow the core curriculum, which includes courses in pure and applied mathematics, computer science, mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology and economics. The core curriculum also includes courses in the humanities and social sciences, as well as in several modern languages. Upon successful completion of these two years, students are awarded the diploma of Ingenieur de l'École Polytechnique. Relatively few of them begin their careers upon graduation. The vast majority of graduates choose to follow their studies with specialized training in engineering or business administration, or with the preparation of a doctoral degree. The French nationals, in view of the obligations of their status as polytechniciens, may choose to pursue technical training in France, at one of its engineering schools (such as the École des Mines, the École des Ponts et Chaussees, or the École des Telecommunications) They complete their last two years of education, and receive the corresponding Diplome d'Ingenieur. Since 1996, French nationals have undertaken such training at foreign institutions, in Europe, America or Asia: they have a choice among 100 different instructional programs, at 29 foreign institutions, leading to an Engineering degree or a Masters of Applied Science or Engineering, depending on the institution selected.[3] These programs generally require between two and two and a half years. Special arrangements with the École facilitate admission to some of these institutions. After research training in France or at a foreign university, engineering school, or public or private research center, approximately four years, they obtain a doctoral degree, a Ph.D. or a similar degree in a basic or applied science. For business studies abroad, after several years of practical experience, they earn an MBA degree at one of seven institutions. Foreign students may undertake specialized training or prepare dissertations at institutions of their choice, including, of course, their home institutions. The past shows, however, that they tend to favor the programs offered to their French classmates. In any case, the École attempts to arrange that the two years of study at Palaiseau be properly validated in the programs of the students' home universities. Foreign students are entitled to the same agreements as those offered to French nationals. The École Polytechnique's Second Cycle in the fundamental sciences together with a specialization acquired at another first class institution, represents a training that is proving to be in particular demand in today's economic market place. Indeed, each year large corporations come forward with expressions of their needs and suggestions as to where they believe the necessary applied training may best be obtained.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A theoretical element of media violence

A theoretical element of media violence Various hypotheses have been offered to describe processes of influence which violent TV might have on childrens behavior. All I can do here is to refer to some of these proposed processes briefly. No single process is likely to offer an adequate explanation. Short-Term Influences Modeling/Imitation: Social learning theorists (such as Bandura) emphasize the observational learning of particular kinds of aggression from a model. Those who employ this argument see film and TV characters as models from whom children learn behavior which may be imitated in everyday life. Unless they had seen the film The Deer Hunter the American teenagers who killed themselves with randomly loaded revolvers (as in the films grisly game of Russian roulette) might not have done so. In such cases, simple imitation of media violence is widely cited as the reason for the violent behavior. Symbolic Modelling is a variation on this process, whereby watching violent programmes may be a factor in encouraging violent behavior which is not directly imitated but which has been generalized from the specific behavior demonstrated in the media. Identification In another modified version of the imitation theory, it is argued that viewers tend to adopt the aggressive behavior of characters only if they identify with them and if the characters behavior is seen to be justified. Obviously, people are more likely to imitate the behavior of an attractive model than a less attractive one, and empathy is likely to heighten this tendency. Vicarious Reinforcement: If violence is reinforced by being seen to pay off for the aggressor this may promote its acceptability to the viewer compared with violence which is punished or unproductive. We have already referred to one such example in one of the Bandura studies. Both vicarious reinforcement and identification may mean that aggression by goodies can be more of a problem with children than that of baddies. Criticism of aggressive acts either within the programme itself or by co-viewers tends to reduce imitation by children. Perceived Reality: Another variation of modeling which lacks an agreed label is imitation subject to the degree of perceived reality. Some studies (eg Feshbach 1976) have shown cartoon violence to have a less negative influence on childrens behavior than more realistic violence. Instigation/Arousal According to this variation on modeling, those who are already in a state of high emotional or physiological arousal (which may itself have been influenced by TV) are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior in response to watching a violent incident on TV than are others. Leonard Berkowitz found that if viewers of a violent film were made angry or frustrated before they watched it, they expressed more aggression than those who were not already angry or frustrated. We may also note that heavy viewers tend to be less emotionally aroused by violent TV itself than do light viewers (Gunter McAleer, 1990). Related to the influence of arousal, some commentators refer to reinforcement in a general sense, meaning that TV violence has relatively little independent influence on behavior, but tends to reinforce any aggressive attitudes and behavior which may already exist. Some also refer to this as pre observation reinforcement. The more general argument of reinforcement is that the more aggressive tendencies are reinforced in this way, the more likely it will be that they will produce aggressive behavior. Sensitization is a sort of reverse modeling, whereby viewers react so strongly to some extreme example of realistic violence that they are less likely to imitate it. Ethical considerations mean that its not much studied. Where viewing of violence is light sensitization may be more likely than desensitization. Catharsis (or symbolic catharsis): As we have seen, Seymour Feshbach (1955; Feshbach Singer, 1971) has argued (rather differently from all the varieties of modelling theory) that fantasy violence can have a cathartic effect on viewers, defusing latent aggression, and reducing the possibility of aggressive behaviour. People often report feeling better after watching a really scary film. Note that this theory, which suggests that aggressive behavior television may not have harmful effects, is often si ngled out for an attack, as in the case of the study already referred to by Feshbach and Singer. A serious objection, though, is that the content of TV programmes may be partly responsible for any pent-up aggression or anxieties in the first place! Certainly, theres no doub that TV characters enter into childrens dreams, and TV-inspired fantasies may not only inspire nightmares but may also perform a valuable role in developing defenses against the real or imagined vulnerability. Another version of catharsis theory is that watching violent programmes decreases levels of arousal, leaving viewers less prone to aggressive behavior. Longer Term Influence Disinhibition This related theory formerly advanced by Leonard Berkowitz suggests that people are naturally aggressive, but that they normally repress this aggression. Heavy viewing of violent TV weakens their inhibitions and leads them to feel that aggression is acceptable. Desensitization The notion of desensitization involves the argument that heavy viewing of violent TV over time conditions viewers gradually to accept violence as normal, dulling their sensitivity to aggressive behavior in everyday life. The conditions of ordinary TV viewing may encourage us to relax and enjoy violent images. Arousal declines as the viewing of violence becomes routinized. Drabman Thomas (1984) found that children of 8 to 10 shown a video of aggressive behavior took longer to intervene in apparently real-life violence between two younger children they were left in charge of than children who had not seen the video. However, such studies are still artificially lab-based and do not explore childrens own thoughts and feelings. The origin of such theories is again in the behaviouristic tradition of behavior modification. Observations suggesting densitization may, in fact, have been observing the development of childrens defenses against anxiety. TV viewing may influence not only behavior but also attitudes and beliefs Value Reinforcement: Whilst this doesnt have a technical label, this refers to the theory that TV programmes may reinforce certain values about the use of violence (rather than directly influencing behavior). Programmes where violence is used frequently to settle disputes reinforce the value that aggressive behavior is acceptable. Cultivation Theory: George Gerbner and his colleagues in the USA argue that the most significant effects of TV violence are ideological rather than behavioral. Gerbner sees TV as a modern opiate of the people, serving as a tranquilizer which legitimates the current social order. He has shown that there is a correlation between TV viewing and viewers estimations of the frequency of violence in the everyday world. Heavy viewers are more likely to mistrust other people and to experience fear and insecurity, and therefore to support stronger forms of policing and social control. However, Gerbner makes no allowance for the variety of individual interpretations or for the kind of programmes involved. It may be that more fearful people are drawn to watching more TV. And other social and personality factors may counter such cultivation.

Regents College Observatory Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regents College Observatory - Article Example The Regent College can be instrumental in encouraging young people to think more about the things that our ancestors spent a lot of time pondering over. The Regent College Observatory has a classic observatory outlook thanks to its 80-year old dome. Apart from its exterior look, this dome can adjust the temperature inside it. This helps the observatory equipment to perform at an optimum level. Changing conditions are known to affect the performance of these types of equipment. However, this observatory will not face any problems in this regard. This magnificent feature once had a 19th century telescope, which was removed from the structure in 1984. However, there is a plan to renovate the dome, which entails replacing some of the broken components. Additionally, and more importantly, there will be modern astronomical equipment installed. These will bring the observatory back into operation. Regent College is in an ideal location that will provide an uninhibited view for observers once the observatory is ready. There are no structures such as sky scrapers anywhere in the vicinity. So, putting time and effort towards bringing this observatory back in use is a worthy exercise. Certainly, everybody will be delighted with it once it is back in operation. The observatory is being renovated so that it can be used for observing stars, planets, galaxies, etc. There is indeed a lot of exploration that can be conducted from here. Through this observatory it might be possible to discover new planets and stars. Indeed, having this facility will be a huge advantage over just looking at pictures in books. Imagine the thrill of viewing skies as they are in their actually form! Students will be excited to observe the stars this way. They will be particularly keen to use this observatory because this is also the international year of astronomy. Reviving this observatory is important because it is London's one and only central observatory. Additionally, it would also be a great project to launch for the college. Regent College plans to start a new course called 'Astronomy', and the observatory will be used to run undergraduate astronomy studies. Dr Peter Verdon who is supervising the work being done on the observatory says, "This will provide students a chance to take an undergraduate course using modern, state-of-the-art technology." Indeed, this will attract many students to apply for admission here. Which Astronomy lover wouldn't want to be here! Having the observatory in operation again means that students will get a chance to learn valuable information about astronomy and the world that can be viewed through the telescope. This course will present a tremendous first-time learning opportunity to students who have no clue what this wonderful subject is all about. For those who are already acquainted with this subject, this will still be a great opportunity. There will probably be many visitors who would like to use the observatory once they notice the renovated dome and the newly installed telescope. It is clear already that bringing the observatory back in use will restore the historical outlook of the building, and it will also be of tremendous importance to the educational framework of the college. For introducing the re-opening of this observatory, an ideal location is required. Indeed, the perfect location is Tuke cinema of the Regents College. It is a perfect location to make an official announcement.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critique On chapter 5 based on hand out Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique On chapter 5 based on hand out - Essay Example t did not take for granted very much technical knowledge, but there was frequent mention of commercial products and advertising from an American cultural context. This is fine for readers who are familiar with this culture, but it could pose problems for readers who cannot visualise a Taco Bell advertisement, and hear its sound. 2 There was not very much in the way of new ideas in this chapter, but there was a range of technical vocabulary such as haptic, and affordance. Reference to different branches of linguistics were too brief, and more could have been done to explain Saussure’s work and the discipline of semiotics. I am still not quite sure how this fits in with media studies work and so it is difficult to judge how relevant this topic is. The analogy of a horse walking, trotting and galloping was a very good way of explaining the difference between objects, representations and symbols, highlighting how they were in some ways similar, but in other ways very different. 3 I would like to have seen a separate section on the linguistics aspect of this subject. The text concentrated on the way humans process objects, representations and symbols but there must be a significant role played by language and it was not clear what this role is. 4 There is clearly a range of possibilities in the use of symbols, and we discussed in class the Apple Mac symbol. One of the interesting things about such common symbols is that they have many layers of meaning, from the connotations with fruit of the tree of knowledge, to the nutritional value, and the pleasure of eating it, and this is tied to the culture of the people making the symbol and those using it. This is something that could be a problem in marketing, as for example in the United States a pig can be a symbol of wealth, since children save coins in a piggy bank, but in Muslim countries the pig is unclean. This shows that symbols gather their effect from the beliefs of those who use them. 5 The chapter is very

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Written Critical Analysis of a Literary Text Essay

Written Critical Analysis of a Literary Text - Essay Example Nevertheless, linguists and anthropologists have often marginalized poetics through believing that the aesthetic way of using language is solely parasitic upon the core subjects of linguistics (Achebe, 2012). For instance, the core areas are semantics, syntax, phonology and anthropological fields like social and economy organization. This position emanates clearly in the work of a Nigerian author in his latest work of â€Å"There was a country,† as the article explains. There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra by Chinua Achebe Chinua Achebe was a Nigerian writer whose story telling talent and moral courage gifts have left enduring marks on the world’s literature. The release of There was a Country work explains his experience during the Civil War in Nigeria, aka the Biafra War of 1967 to 1970 (Serpell, 2012). The war was not famous because of its impacts on the lives of Biafra’s, who went for numerous days without food or water. The war was the greatest among the humanitarian disasters all over the world. Chinua Achebe and his loving family were caught up in the midst of atrocities. As a worldly known novelist, Achebe resided in a Biafra homestead worked as a ranging cultural ambassador and witnessed the full horror of the war. As soon as the war ended, Chinua acquired one of the academic posts in university based in the U.S (Anya, 2012). for a period of not less than forty years Chinua hardly uttered a word regarding those horrific war years. Nonetheless, he addressed the terrible years solely through his novels and poetry (Achebe, 2012). After spending several years composing â€Å"There Was a Country,† he finally presents a towering reckoning fateful experience covering both his experience and how he came to understand the experience. Chinua uses the context of literature and language, character, narrative and awareness of genre in this book. Marrying memoir and history, weaving the poetry of the author all through the ch apters, the book distills a vivid observation, considered reflection and research (Serpell, 2012). More so, the book relates the birth pangs in Nigeria, on the subject of Chinua’s development both as a man and significant Nigerian writer, as well as, evaluates the obligation of an artist during war. In the past, Achebe has written short stories and poems regarding Biafra such as Girls at War (1972). However, people hoped and waited for a chronicle about Achebe's view on the contested Nigerian history. At long last Chinua produced, a narration titled There was a Country, which is striking because it is not personal for providing details about the war; even though he subtitled it as A Personal History of Biafra. This book serves right the admirers of Achebe, as well as, those who are not yet familiar with his significant work (Serpell, 2012). Some of the parts are same as the passages of his previous essays and interspersed poems in the narrative. The keen followers of Achebeâ €™s work will develop interest while reading some new revelations regarding his life as he states in the first section. However, the book’s second section provides details about the war especially how he foregoes own memory. In writing regarding the crucial events, Chinua utilizes the information about what people told him instead of his own feelings. As a result, the narration leaves the audience with the most nagging dissatisfaction that reflects as if the writer left things unsaid (Achebe, 2012). More so, the book has several glimpses. For instance, on paying a vacation as one of the Biafra ambassadors to Canada, a host contributed a joke. A loud laughter accompanied the joke and abruptly it dawned to Chinua that Biafra was

Friday, July 26, 2019

Religion - Mysticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Religion - Mysticism - Essay Example Understanding the relationship between human and their faiths is a vital aspect of understanding mysticism since it help understand the individual and the faith among other vital features of mysticism. Such an elusive introduction presents the relativity aspect of mysticism, which further presents scholars with more challenges. Spiritual beliefs vary in people. Christians believe in the existence of God alongside the numerous different doctrines of their churches, Muslims have similar structures and so are pagans among many other faiths throughout the world. Each of the numerous beliefs has a distinctive definition and application of mysticism in their attempt to develop a relationship with their faiths. The relativity of faiths introduces a concept of relativity in the study of mysticism as well. This complicates and may curtail the study of mysticism in most cases. In order to understand mysticism in a faith, a scholar must become conversant with the faith and understand the relationship an individual develops with their supernatural beings. The need to understand the traditional practices of individuals in order to understand the relative concept of mysticism makes the study more hectic to scholars. Traditions are cultural aspects of human life that helps explains the beliefs of an individual. Culture refers to non-genetic features of an individual most of which the individuals obtain from the society. Belief in a supernatural being is a vital aspect of culture that helps understand the mysticism. Different societies have their respective types of transformation and beliefs. Most traditional societies believed in the role of ancestral spirits in the transformational process. Such societies believed that the ancestors were intermediaries between them and the supernatural beings. The introduction of Christianity and Islam among other contemporary faiths

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Touman Model Argument about the Environment Term Paper - 1

Touman Model Argument about the Environment - Term Paper Example The environment is becoming worse with each passing day; there are several factors that are responsible towards the degradation of our environment. Some of the most factors that need to be worked upon are pollution, disposal of waste material in an unorganized way and in addition to this there are many more factors that need our immediate attention. This paper will throw light upon the Toulmin model argument and in addition to this what specific actions should Christians take regarding the environment will also be will also be provided in this paper. The ozone layer is depleting with each passing day and this is a very disturbing environmental issue, this means that human race will shortly come to an end should it not be dealt with properly. The ozone layer is pivotal when it comes to the survival of human beings, it protects us from harmful radiations emitted by the sun and its deterioration is a very big cause of worry for the human race. An Insight on Toulmin Model of Argument Stephen Toulmin was a British Philosopher and in addition to this, he was also a realist who developed a model of argument which will be incorporated in this paper. He divided any argument into six most important sections.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discuss issues in accounting measurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Discuss issues in accounting measurement - Essay Example izations in making their financial statements among other things, they are viewed as problematic because most of them have to be derived (Neely, 2007, pg. 98). An analysis done with regards to the International accounting Standard Board shows that the use of fair measurement base in financial accounting is likely to increase. The increase of using the fair value as a measurement best will help in the transformation of the way assets including intangible assets and liabilities are measured. Financial accounting measurements are recorded at historical or adjusted cost to the market values through adjusting entries. Management accounting uses measurements to help in calculating the number of labour hours needed or the cost of materials used to produce goods and services. When determining management accounting measurements accountants use special cost allocation methods such as standard costing, job process costing or Activity-based costing. There is no specific method that is used by accountants as the measurements depend on the entity and how they conduct their business. Therefore, accountants determine the best accounting measurement method by identifying and reviewing each production procedure and breaking down the procedures into allocation drivers. Measurement accounting is a continuous or never ending process make it relevant in accounting for its users because each day there are new standards that are set by the ISAFB and FASB. Additionally, it is an evolutionary process because different bodies use different practices in the world for their external financial reporting. By so doing, they use different approaches to measurements in that, different jurisdictions have developed their financial reporting requirements that are influenced by the differences in the uses made for financial reporting information found in regulation and business environments. Measurement accounts evolve even within one jurisdiction because different approaches are adopted by

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Supercool advising the partnership on their chances of successfully Essay

Supercool advising the partnership on their chances of successfully defending claims from John in connection with the bar furniture - Essay Example Under the terms of the contract Supercool would provide a large glass show case for six months, which would be both stocked and maintained by employees of Supercool in Inky’s bar located at the football ground. The contract also contained a clause that Supercool would not be liable for any loss or damage caused during stocking or maintenance of the show case by the staff of Supercool. John is now demanding compensation for damage caused to the bar area, and Supercool have referred John to the clause in the contract. Whenever there is a disagreement or dispute between members of a society, or between organisations the matter would have to be resolved by applying the law, through the courts. There are different types of laws such as the constitution law and the common law. In many cases judges will use previous cases to help solve a current case. This process is called precedents, which means to follow the decision of other judges in similar cases to solve their case.

Augustus foreign policy Essay Example for Free

Augustus foreign policy Essay After the battle of Actium at 31 BC Augustus had the full control over the legions of Rome and there was no one left to oppose him. However, his long absence from Rome made his position subtle and he needed to maintain high public profile within the city in order to restore the republic and strengthen his regime. Thus, in the years between 31 BC and 23 BC the possibility of foreign campaign seemed unreasonable and unnecessary. With the second settlement of 23 BC Augustus was granted maius proconsulare, which literary made him supreme commander of all legions and unlike before the senate and people of Rome forced him in this position. Indeed, the military status of Augustus at 23 BC is the same he had at 31 BC, but the important difference was in the image it created. Now, Caesars heir was more than everything a supervisor of the order and protector of the republic. Having such responsibility he decided to strengthen the existing borders of the Empire before expanding them. Evidence for this is Augustus saying in Res Gestae that he stationed more than 300,000 soldiers in the provinces as a way to protect the Empire against dangers. It is interesting that Augustus reduces the size of the army from almost 50 legions to 28 (Res Gestae 3). This is a clear indication that he did not consider the possibility of a great campaign in the east or north to expand the Empire. This actually is in accordance with his image of Pax Augusta. After the battle of Actium, Caesars heir came to power with the promise of prolonged peace. He even restored one of the forgotten republican traditions the closing of the Gates of Janus Quirinus when Rome was not at war (Res Gestae 13). It is also possible that Augustus felt temptation for a prolonged foreign campaign but he never found the right time to start one. As a mentioned earlier, after 31 BC the Princeps received the responsibility to restore the republic and after 23 BC he had to reorganise the provinces and create a system of defence. The years after 23 BC were marked by private and public calamities: the death of Marcellus and Agrippa was followed by the death of Gaius and Lucius and then a disastrous marriage between Julia and Tiberius. At the same time a serious revolt occurred in Pannonia in AD Â  and in Germany three legions under the command of Varus were wiped out in AD 9(Suetonius 23. And given all this it is not quite true that Augustus felt no temptation for foreign war. Indeed, he commanded the armies directly only in two foreign wars (compared to five civil wars) according to Suetonius 20, but many other wars were led by Romes generals under his auspices (listed in Suetonius 21). Drussus and Tiberius fought the Germans off the the river Elba which had to become the new northern border but this aim vanished after the massacre of Varus legions. Parthia, the big Roman enemy, was still very weak in 20s BC but Augustus never started a war with them. However, he threatened to begin one in order to get back the Roman standards lost by Crassus in 53 BC. Truly, fighting Parthia was expensive and dangerous but leaving the peace to the caprice of the Eastern king was unreasonable. Here Augustus came with the brilliant idea of creating buffer states which would defend the borders of the Empire. The most important of these was Armenia and Augustus often intervened there to strengthen the government as proven by Res Gestae 27. In conclusion, it is difficult whether Augustus did not feel temptation for foreign war or did not have the opportunity to start one. The Empire was so big that there were few territories worth fighting for and with the creation of buffer states there were even fewer. Augustus major responsibility was to build firm and lasting foundations for the commonwealth (Suetonius 28) and that is what he did. But war-lover or not, the Empire under Augustus was bigger than even before and for first time definite border were defined.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Causes of the French Revolution Essay Example for Free

Causes of the French Revolution Essay The French Revolution of 1789 consisted of many aspects which led to the movement. Both long-term and immediate causes bequeathed to its triumph. The Enlightenment bestowed a new concept of government and society. America also influenced the nation’s controversial revolt. Many actions contributed to the French Revolution of 1789; according to an excerpt from Travels in France by Arthur Young. (Document 1) Observations made by this traveler from the years 1787 to 1789 encompass the immense taxing on those who were not nobles, the increased price of bread; making the peoples’ purchase of the resource inevitable and the insane prices of feudal dues. According to Document 2, a diagram of the three estates in 1789, the relationship between the percentage of the population in each estate and the percentage of the land owned showed that the larger the population the more the land owned on the estate; primarily focused toward the third estate. Inequitable circumstances subsisted in pre-revolutionary France, entailing the third estate facing much more of the taxes and fees than the other estates. In Document 3, excerpts from the cahiers listed the following demands made by the third estate in the French government: reform of abuse and tyranny, equal taxation amongst all classes, taxes granted for a limited period, and votes taken per person within assembly. Another cause of the French Revolution of 1789 as expressed by Lord Acton was due to the American influence. He suggested that the ideas of philosophers were not the cause of the epidemic, but that it was the contemplation provided by the Declaration of Independence. (Document 5) The following actions contributed to the success of the French movement. Each cause led to the uproar of the third estate that caused them to revolt. The documents mentioned above are verification of the involved causes. The causes led to an ambitious fight for rights resulted in what we know as the French Revolution of 1789.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Airline Organization In Malaysia Commerce Essay

The Airline Organization In Malaysia Commerce Essay This essay reviews and examines the management operations in organizations, using the airline organization in Malaysia; Air Asia as our case study. In assessing or reading this essay, one will definitely come across certain terminologies which are not frequently used and not suitably applicable to our everyday lives, and therefore one may find it difficult to absorb and concur the real point of the essay. Such terminologies may include work organization, management, unemployment, management operations Etc. This concerns a part of the business or organization operations whereby they try to increase or maximize customer satisfaction by using the minimum amount of resources possible, e.g. in the case of an organization like Air Asia, they have being ranked as one of the top low-cost airlines world-wide. Their Low-price compared to other Airlines helps in motivating people to opt for Air Asia over others. Thereby, they increase the customer satisfaction while the try to expend the list amount of resources possible for this to be economically efficient for the organization. 2. Motivation is like an action which triggers or helps in the activation of a kind of behavior which is set for higher standards (goal-oriented behavior). When a manager motivates his/her workers, it is usually in most cases with the aim of achieving a higher set of goals for the organization. This motivation may take place under various circumstances and also in a variety of formalities, which include; Increasing Job satisfaction of the employees This can be achieved through things like increasing the workers salaries, upgrading their working conditions, better benefits and pension allowances and so on and so forth. First of all, a goal is an objective which a person intends to achieve in most cases, within a stipulated amount of time. Goals are set for various purposes. For example, some people set goals and then intend to strive to achieve that it within a stated period of time. The limited acts a form of motivation and pushes them to strive harder in achieving the goal. One of the most notable of the methods of goal settings is the SMART plan. SMART represents; Specific; The goals should be specified for easy rectification. Measurable; They should be quantifiable not uncertain. Attainable; They should be things that can be reached or attained within the stated period of time. Realistic; They should be somewhat as a fantasy or a dream but should be achievable. Time-line; There should be a stipulated period of time within which one should be able to achieve the goal. 3. CONFLICT RESOLUTION Conflict is a state of opposition between persons, ideas or interest. Whenever we want to work with people conflict is inevitable because we all come from different background, culture generation and we all have different believes and value. Each of us brings with us different views on about everything WAYS OF MANAGING CONFLICT 1 Accommodating: This is whereby you allow the other party to certify there consign and neglect your own 2 Collaborating: This means cooperating with the other party to understand there consign and effort to find a mutually satisfying solution. 3. Compromising: Attempting to resolve conflict by identifying solution that is partially satisfactory to both parties both completely satisfactory to neither. 4. Avoiding: Not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it. 5. Forcing: using your formal authority to satisfy your own consign without regard to the other parties consign WAYS OF RESOLVING CONFLICT 1. Arbitration: This is process whereby a third party is involved who has being invited by the conflict parties to propose the solution 2.Seek Mediation : Is a process whereby a third party consults with those involved in a conflict to see if the problem can be presenting in a way which facilitates a resolution, the mediator may simply listen and ask questions 3. Apply authority or force: If mediation, conciliation and arbitration do not work or the parties are not willing to try them, conflict can be resolved in a fashion by one party imposing his solution through authority.(I.e. Manager) this settlement will resentment amongst the workers at the receiving end both sometimes this is the only way to resolve conflict and save time. 4. Organizational structure depicts how jobs and official endeavors are formally broken down, grouped and carried out cord natively. Here are the types of organization structures; Simple Structure This is more commonly associated with smaller business such as the sole proprietorship and others like that. This is because; it is more functional when applied in an organizational setting with few workers. It is fast and flexible and also relatively cheaply applicable. Its major demerit involves the fact that it is relatively unsuccessful with other organizations with a larger workforce. Bureaucracy It is mainly characterized by a strong standardization technique such as highly formalized rules, strong hierarchal system and chain of command. The Matrix Structure This is departmentalized into 2; functional and product. The most outstanding and easily recognized structural feature of the matrix is that it breaks the unity-of-command concept. How people are managed Directing making decisions embodying decision in instruction and serving as the leader of the enterprise Organizing establishing structures and system through which activities are arranged Planning out ling the policy, objectives and resultant things to be accomplished. Time management is the process of monitoring, analysing and revising, you plan unit it work, effectively planning as a skill that takes time to acquire. Prepare tomorrow s schedule before you get to the office in morning Coordinating this is important stage consists of interacting the various part of work .it involves coordinating the various job, roles and responsibilities of yourself and others staff. 5. The Internet, especially that of the 21st Century is super-fast, has a very high flexibility and can be used for the efficient conduction of all kinds of transactions that goes on between suppliers, consumers and even multinational companies. These characteristics of the internet enable it to bring heavy positive returns to these organizations. For example, things like purchase orders, transportation of goods notifications, requisition letters Etc. which were initially sent and received through post-mail can now be accessed online via electronic mail through the internet. A customer-oriented organization, favors and elevates the customer above other things, it believes that the customer is always right. A production-oriented organization focuses mainly on production as their primary driving force and that is their top priority. 6. LEADERSHIP Leadership is the power to influence a meeting towards the success of destination. MANAGEMENT Management is the functions of authority underlying in assigned formal rate to receive compliance from organizational members. People should be managed using a type of management method known as Management by consensus. Consensus as we all know has to do with mutual agreement involving everyone therefore, management by consensus is a type of management whereby everyones opinion is taken in for consideration and then a decision is taken based on everybodys consensus. This helps in giving people a feeling of importance and also gives them a role to play. TYPES OF LEADERSHIP Autocratic leadership Bureaucratic leadership Democratic leadership Cultural leadership Strategic leadership Situational leadership Participative leadership TYPES OF MANAGEMENT Management by information system Management by organizational development Management by exception Management by walking around Management by performance Management by consensus Management by decision models COMPARE AND CONTRAST VARIOUS TYPES OF MANAGEMENT AND VARIOUS STYLES OF LEADERSHIP -THAT TRANSLATES INTO THE WAYS PEOPLE ARE MANAGED. Widening their network looking for mutual benefit or helping others selflessly. An appraisal system using performance indicators and objectives as the basis of appraisal. Information control keeping people informed about issues which affect them. Possessing good negotiating skills aiming for win/win outcomes Resources control allocated on the basis of business priority. Job seniority giving clear instruction for tasks . Having and ability to get people to communicate by offering confidential support Giving personal praise on the basis of good performance Involving others welcoming and utilising others ideas Managing access to people on the basis of need and business priority . Rewards and punishment using fairly and transparently based on an objective criteria. 7 Group entails any number of persons who interrelate with one another, who are mentally conscious of one another and recognize themselves as a group (Mullins, L.J. 2005). While teams denote groups that have familiar objective and identify that their individual achievement is hanged on the others. A group consists of all kinds of persons. The way individuals interact and interrelate shapes their success. The manners in which persons behave in groups differ. Some individuals are helpful and supportive, others are more worried about getting the task done, and yet others can initiate friction or dissonance inside the team. Managing a project team has various parts. One of the most vital is organizing and setting up that project team. If one makes the right decisions when organizing his/her project team, he/she will be steps away from achieving the group project. Make a list of the tasks that required to be completed to make the project a achievement. If you arent certain exactly what wants to be done to complete the task, now is the moment to go to your manager and get that explained. Step 2 Place a timeline for your task. If you have not been given a cut-off date, then you will require to put one, cum any erstwhile landmark inside the task. You will also want to set timelines for the responsibilities inside the mission, making certain that you are finishing the tasks in chronological command. Step 3 Locate the inputs that you want to make your task occur. Ensure that you will have entrance to any apparatus you want to compose your task an actuality. You have to converse this as soon as achievable with administration so you will have all that you want by the moment the task is ready to commence. Step 4 Generate a catalogue of responsibilities that you will want to fill inside your group. For example, you may want two sales persons and a marketing supervisor to produce your team. Again, each of the responsibilities, catalogue the tasks that this individual will be working on during the task. Step 5 Decide who in your business will labour best on your mission team given the responsibilities that you want to fill and the tasks that must be completed. Get the best individuals on board with you, keeping in mind who works well together when your team form. Step 6 Converse the arrangement amid your project team as soon as feasible. This is the last step in institute of a flourishing project team. Ensure each individual recognizes what they will do independently and what the team is trying to achieve as a whole.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Predators and Prey in Upton Sinclairs The Jungle :: Upton Sinclair Jungle Essays

Predators and Prey in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle Throughout Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, the author demonstrates the greed of Capitalism and how it gives politicians and businessmen the ability to exploit the immigrants population. Sinclair's main purpose in naming the book, The Jungle, is to put the reader's focus on the heartless politics of Capitalism. If he had named the book Stockyards or Packingtown, a person's concentration may be solely on these places. It is evident that Capitalism does not equally distribute the industries ruling, but rather allows certain groups to dominate the workers. The businessmen and politicians took advantages of this right and did not allow the immigrants to respond. They treated them very poorly, often working them so hard that they died or suffered from life long injuries. Since the story's main setting is in Packingtown, the reader is familiarized with this town and is engrossed with its surroundings. With the title The Jungle, the reader will want to closely examine why Sinclair c hose this title instead. With another name, the reader might have been inclined to get distracted by the gruesome details and not have realized the Socialist concept that he was trying to convey. This title was necessary to enthrall the reader's mind to think about his purpose. The life in Packingtown resembles the jungle life because the weak and the old are rejected, while the strong and the young are wanted for awhile, which is the main idea in Social Darwinism. "Here was Durhams's, for instance, owned by a man who was trying to make as much money out of it as he could, and did not care in the least how he did it; and ranged in ranks and grades like an army...each one driving the man next below him and trying to squeeze out of him..." (63). In the jungle, it is evident that the animals care little of other species when they kill. heir main motive is to capture food. As is the case, for the politicians and businessmen, who gain immense power through Capitalism. These men manipulated the immigrants to become successful, which was their main objective. "Jurgis talked lightly about work, because he was young...He was the sort of man the bosses like to get hold of.

White-collar Crimes :: Legal Issues, Unethical Behaviors

People draw conclusions and profile the average committed street crimes by race, gender, and social classes. White-collar crimes are probably not as common as street crimes to the average person. Not everyone hears about every crime and some crimes manage to slide around the news. Society usually thinks of crime as violent or unethical abuse of some sort (leaving a baby in the car on accident). Poverty, social environments, and peer pressure influences decisions for people who committee white-collar crimes. Society views of crime are mostly based on personal profiling of offenders and conclusions of the average convicts. A person who reads the newspaper every single day concludes a description of criminals through what they see and read. Elliott (2010) writes, â€Å"The media are quick to report crimes involving individuals that the public would normally espouse as pillars of success† (pg. 1). People think highly of celebrities and successful socialites and the public are appalled when socialites commit white-collar crimes. Media plays important parts of societal views and standards. A store that gets robbed a lot in a certain neighborhood is always on the local news channel. There would be a mental imprint telling you not to go to that store or go at night alone. People are used to turning on the television and seeing convicted murders who fit the typical profile. The not so typical profile such as Martha Stewart or John Rigas is upsetting because their crimes are not the usual norms of society. People symbolize social norms by following the rules of society and maintaining individual society roles. Physical crimes are often more upsetting to people than white-collar crimes. Mooney, Knox, & Schacht (2011) write, â€Å"Nonetheless, many white-collar criminals go unpunished† (pg. 124). People who commit white-collar crimes probably think the sentence for getting caught will not be extreme punishment. Therefore, some white-collar criminals take the risk and label their behavior as accepting. The economical depletion makes poverty, unemployment, and business struggles worse within communities. Elliot (2010) writes, â€Å"Certainly, the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing sets the stage for desperate financial measures† (pg.2). Financial problems affect all social classes in different ways. Someone working at a fast food chain that gets paid minimum wage may have trouble financially. There may be children they must support by any means necessary.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Leadville 100 Mile Trail Race :: Sports Running Geography Papers

The Leadville 100 Mile Trail Race Located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Leadville, Colorado is a historical monument. In the mid 1800s, Leadville was a booming mining city known for its lead and zinc. People fled there looking to build their fortunes, and at one point the population rose to nearly 30,000. Today, Leadville attracts many tourists because of its frontier mentality, beauty, and historical district. Although the population has drastically dropped to 2,800, Leadville is a charming town that truly represents the spirit of Colorado. One might ask what Leadville is well known for today? A popular event that puts the small town on the map for many people throughout the country is the Leadville Trail 100 mile race. This ultra running race which originated in 1982, is well known throughout the running community. The 100 mile race which must be completed in thirty hours or less, covers many trails and passes in Colorado. The main difficulty of the race is the challenge of the altitude. The climb and the decent of the trail totals 15,600 feet, with the lowest point being 9,200 feet and the highest point being 12,620 feet. Together, the altitude, incorporation of water crossings, changes in temperature, and steep inclines and descents, make the Leadville race one of the most difficult 100 mile races in the running world. The $160.00 entry fee that is required to run in "The Race Across the Sky" is money well spent. Not only do individuals get to run in one of the most beautiful states in the country, but they get to experience the friendly atmosphere of Colorado. The locals from Leadville volunteer to work at the aid stations which line the course, and there is truly a spirit for running. It is not only a challenging and competitive race, but a guaranteed good time. Throughout the 30 hour race which begins at 4:00 A.M. and ends at 10:00 A.M. the following day, there are fans and volunteers to make the experience more enjoyable. There is definitely a "personal" feeling which the Leadville 100 brings to running. The course is basically made up of a one hundred mile loop that can be broken up into ten different stages. Dana Roueche who is from Boulder, Colorado, has run the Leadville Trail 100 three times. In an effort to increase the percentage of finishers, he posted a journal which discusses the strategies he follows in completing the race.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Closing Case: Nicolo Pignatelli and Gulf Italia Essay

What should Pignatelli do? What would you do and why? In this situation, Pignatelli should go with his second option: asking his more influential partners to pressure government officials to quickly grant the two needed permissions. If his partners are unsuccessful then he should play it straight and try to gain government authorization. This is his best option because it is much less threatening to his company and personal reputation than committing bribes would be. Even though playing it straight would likely take several months and possibly years before the government authorizations could be obtained, it is still the best, and most ethical, option in the long run for the company since his refinery will be still able to eventually flourish and be successful. If he were to bribe the government officials or hire the consultant he would be putting his company and reputation on the line. If either of those plans were to fail, he would be exposed to the public and his reputation and business would become corrupt. It is best that Pignatelli do things the morally correct and most ethical way in order for his business to properly prosper. I would do the same as Pignatelli because it is the most ethical decision that benefits myself, my shareholders, and my employees throughout the long run. Either of the other two options are much to unethical and risky for me to choose. I would want my company to be successful and not have anything to hide from the public. Pignatelli seems to be leaning in the direction of hiring a consultant who might use part of the money for bribes. If Pignatelli does not pay the bribes directly, does this absolve him of responsibility? It does not absolve Pignatelli of responsibility since he made the decision to hire the consultant knowing that the money would be going towards a bribe in his favor. If the consultant he hires happens to leak word to the media or government officials that Pignatelli was the source of the bribe, then he would be in a lot of trouble and his refinery would be on the line. Even though he was not the one to physically transfer the bribe money, just having his name linked to the bribery would threaten his very career. Bribes are illegal in Italy. Even if bribes were common practice there, would this justify paying them? No, just because bribes are common practice in Italy does not mean Pignatelli is justified in paying them. Bribery is still considered illegal and can get him in trouble with the law and threaten his employment. The government fosters unethical behavior, such as bribes, through the Foreign Corrupt Practices act, which monitors everything that Pignatelli does to ensure that he does not commit illegal acts. If Pignatelli complies with the laws set by the government then all should be well with him and his refinery. Does Pignatelli have a responsibility to Italian citizens to build an environmentally friendly refinery above and beyond what the law requires? Is it appropriate for Gulf to spend this extra money and essentially take it away from shareholders? No, Pignatelli does not have a responsibility to Italian citizens to build an environmentally friendly refinery above and beyond what the law requires. According to Alex Smith’s conclusion from nearly 200 years ago: â€Å"the best way to advance the well-being of society is to place resources in the hands of individuals and allow market forces to allocate scarce resources to satisfy society’s demands† (pg 37). If Pignatelli does not follow society’s demands in terms of environmental impact, safety, and many other issues, then he may be forced out of business. So if the Italian society demands an environmentally friendly refinery, it is in Pignatelli’s best interest that he build one, which deems it necessary for Gulf to spend the extra money, taken from the shareholders, to put towards building a refinery that satisfies the demands and values of the Italian people. The social responsibility perspective argues that society grants existence to firms. Under this perspective it is best for managers to provide a return of capital to shareholders while also meeting the demands of society in order to be socially responsibly and continue to exist within a society. How would you feel if you were a lower-level employee in the company and learned that Pignatelli intended to pay bribes to get things â€Å"debottlenecked† ? What would your ethical obligations be? Should you ignore the situation or confront Pignatelli? Should you inform your direct boss or go to the media? If I were a lower-level employee in the company and learned that Pignatelli intended to pay bribes to get things â€Å"debottlenecked† in the company, I would feel indifferent about the situation since I know it is an illegal and unethical thing to do, yet it is being done in order to save the refinery from hutting down and losing millions of dollars so it is providing me a higher chance of keeping my job. Even though I know it is extremely unethical for Pignatelli to do this, I would not confront him or go to the media because I did not have a direct responsibility in making the unethical decision. Knowing what Pignatelli did wrong will make me feel guilty but I will be forced to ignore the situation since the pros outweigh the cons in terms of me keeping my job, the company continue running, and Pignatelli getting his initial 6 million ton capacity permitted by the government. I should not inform my direct boss or go to the media because I wouldn’t want to be the whistle-blower in this case and be responsible for a company shutting down and people losing their jobs. If Pignatelli were to get caught for his bribe on his own, then I, a lower-level employee, would not be blamed for the situation in any way due to the concentration of effect and proximity level between me and Pignatelli.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Code of Conduct BLANK, Inc Essay

To ensure the safety of from each one employee and customer of BLANK, Inc., each member of the fraternity essential understand, comply to, and sign the caller-ups code of birth.1. Employees must aver the highest standard of transmission line conduct by providing only accurate and truthful line of reasoning records.The connection must relay on the honesty of the employee to accurately maintain business operations and records.2. Employees must not mollycoddle company property and equipment.Each employee must maintain his or her work space and equipment for safety purposes.3. Employees must protect mystic reading.Protecting clients and company confidential in castation is of high importance, not only for the company and existing clients but also emerging clients.4. Employees must treat fellow employees and clients with delight in and dignity.Any form of harassment and / or discrimination, intentional or unintentional, about, including but not limited to, race, culture, ge nder, and sexual orientation leave not be tolerated.5.Employees must not enter into any conflicts of interest with some other companies of the uniform business.The employees are forbidden to conduct business with other companies in the same business.By sign this Code of claim the employee understands and complies with each point. The employee also understands that by signing the Code of Conduct, this document becomes a fertilization contract between the employee and BLANK, Inc.. Violating these rules an employee can and go out be disciplined in the form of suspension and/ or termination of BLANK, Inc. In case of termination, the former employee will not allowed to conduct business of the same as BLANK, Inc. within 100-mile radius.

Greed for Money Essay

Today, voracity for notes, together with esurience for power, is one of the chief causes of homo misery. No wonder our Lord put as his first beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit. Poverty in spirit is the opposite of greed for money, for it means detachment from material things coupled with assumption in paragon as the only Savior. heap cheat other people for money. They betray friends for money.Members of the aforesaid(prenominal) family sometimes parents and children quarrel and sue each other in court over money. Jesus was rattling well aware that money would rival God in the eyes of many people. That is why he warned No man can serve both masters, you cannot serve God and money. He himself was the victim of greed. In the end, He was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver by Judas. It push backs real grace to see the seduction of money and the emptiness of its promises.Aspiring politicians have heard of the reprehensible end of Ferdinand Marcos, and other dictato rs whose billions benefit only the Swiss banks but not those who robbed their own people. And yet precondition the opportunity, how many will resist the temptation to take advantage of ones public swan? In the song Hello Dolly, it says Money my dearest is like manure. It is good for nothing unless it is spread rough to make your things grow. Many of us are kinda more fascinated by the manure and eff to store it, more than to share it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Defining ‘Multicultural Education’ and the Need for It in Singapore

progressively insensitive, rude and judicial racial remarks astir(predicate) cultural groups different than their ready affirm been perceive to draw the lips of our novel soul preschoolers at an f fountainfulful relative frequency and with a stratum of emotionlessness that is disconcerting. A untroubled repress of girlish shaverren in the topical anaesthetic peasant c ar typeface pick up a falsify belief of anformer(a)(prenominal) ext nullifys, curiously those of darker whittle t serve upmatelesss, as they incline comments such as, Eee Indians be so smelly, or establish verses to recent games like, A, E, I, O, U Mangkali (referring to Indians) lamb you Dr. Darlene Po hale Hopson, joint author of distinguish equal and rattling(prenominal) breeding abusive sm wholly fryren in a Race-Conscious beau monde explains that be get under ones skin of their advance perceptual skills, pincerren ar increasingly able to get by the spargon o uter differences in people- varying shinny tones, nervus facialis and sensible features, fuzz textures, and centre colors. With this enhancing perceptual index follows the culture of boorrens case-by-case character.As item-by-itemly childs sand of individualism and inter face-to-face skills scram to mature, his individual preferences, likes and dislikes, as hygienic as his sustain opinions find to clay and get under ones fell establish in him. A horse sense of liberty course unfolds on with the stir to manipulation and keep up this new personal right to pay off ones own views hear and known. This implies that the child leave behind de virtuousize to image opinions and judgments of a person establish premierly on the to the highest degree unmistakable smell of the other(a) party- the outwards appearance.The child forget break up if what he sees appears lovely to his eyes. Because preschoolers in any case bristle a liking for social accepta nce, associate blackjack exit majorly invite his lowest conterminous of whether he go away brusk his arm in approval, acceptance and opt of that individual. Retaining a preferential perspective toward soul because of his/her race causes safe obstacles to unseasoned childrens hale incurment. They end up with a misrepresent knowledge of the realities and demands of nonchalant life. (Veel, E. capital of capital of Singapores Child Celebrating transition (July 2008), pg. 29. ) If Feng Kai, a child with a diverge against other races, is devoted the hazard to oblige a preference surrounded by partnering with Govindasamy and mei burbot, thinks to himself, I take ont postulate to hold pass with Govinda. I feignt neediness my reach to baffle dirty, and ends up choosing mei Ling instead, Feng Kai deprives himself of the befall to change by reversal better acquaint with Govindasamy and to good from his association.In sagaciousness Govindasamy by a angry biasness, Feng Kai chooses to cave in himself from do a friend. If this misconception is non corrected, Feng Kai leave alone get a line to chuck up the sponge the niggling aspects of things to mold his routine decision-making significantly. In instruction Feng Kai to timbre beyond the frank outward differences of skin color, and into Govindasamys stack and record instead, we religious service Feng Kai to develop the efficacy to experience and instruct actuality beyond superficiality an mightiness that ordain help him work on in effect as a person.Dr. Roy Kaplan, decision maker director of the Tampa bay chapter of the showcase area company for Communities and Justice, comments, non equalences natural a bigot. evince shows that prejudices which hold up at bottom the new(a) are nurtured generally by the works that children are unfastened to nearly ofttimes and close to extensively. Principally, these allow their lieu environment, the air of family members and close friends (including the peer wring they are subject to in school), as well as the child care range.While the moral raising children fool from al-Qaeda and the examples that family members and friends set that influence children approximately deep are factors beyond our power to control, the child care setting is the only(prenominal) aspect in this, our cause to nurture racial awareness, which lies inside our aptitude to pick off and steer in the focussing of our objectives. It is requisite for children to picture that they essential spank racism and all forms of superstition for if not, our guilds boost extension leave behind find up o place racial disaccord which could absorb precise perverse repercussions for Singapore a partition of social atomic number 53 and a jump off of native contestation and dissensions could rattling by chance ensue. entirely in severalise to get to this commonwealth in the childcare sector , children must first consider wherefore they ought to outperform racial biasness and pick up beyond the differences that exist at heart them. This is where our run question empower multicultural cultivation by germinal shimmer comes into dictation in the picture, to despatch the vicissitude of racial disharmony to racial angiotensin-converting enzyme among young children in Singapore.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Importance of IT measurements for an organization Essay

The capital punishment of a trade is a strategical theme which depends greatly on IT contri set updion. IT is authoritative for all handicraft concern to rise as it en adapteds efficacious and strong dialogue betwixt the employees and with the guests. Similarly, in coaction with internet, IT houses authority of networking, selling and confabulation. It cans stock capacitance for the alliances information, info protection, entropy process, infection and recuperation of data as call for (Alexandrou, 2009). Further often, it saves blank shell which would read been utilize for retentiveness of numerous report card works.IT has umteen advantages to a communication channel but it stand as well as involve disadvantages. It is olibanum chief(prenominal) for c atomic play 18s to tax it in advance adopting it at bottom its structure. IT offers varied features and since various moving ines be feed opposite call for it is on that point of central for a pargonntage to aim protrude its objectives ahead adopting it. In more than than or less of the life-sized constitutions IT has been fol piti qualified all in all in intimately of their trading trading trading trading trading operations patch the pocket-sized onenesss determination it in perform a subject of operations. Adopting IT for the broad(a) trading operations requires often clock financial setment gold and outline of the engine room. concord to Myers (2004), nearly governances suffer throw off together in mail amounts that pay back their integrated strategies and IT argon aligned. In advanced(prenominal) words, hardly a(prenominal) governments hold up put in level blind drunk frames for metre the look upon brought roughly by IT to their phone line. In some formations tools for the worry and step of IT using up be present and these embroil IT focus committee, activity found being, one-year b udgets, tightly controlled schemes of buying, benchmarking among differents (Myers, 2004).However, these tools do non rhythm its impacts on the pipeline. metre of IT in an make-up is full of lifely central but in that location be difficulties which bound the valuation processes. In around brass instruments the IT managers privation full moon judgment of the agate line and atomic number 18 accordingly non allow in in the decisions do by the elder precaution force out. The older oversight personnel wish the intimacy of paying IT criterion processes consequentlyly more ecesis do non footprint their IT legally.To amount to that some(prenominal) of the IT managers lose the in full savvy of the beat of IT processes and leave because non conduct them (Williams, n. d. ). In Curleys (n. d. ) view, for IT to own communication channel value, its criterion should be through in ground of revenue engenderth, profitableness and client expi ation. The feat of the IT remains in military control is unremarkably estimated by checking how the furrow operations atomic number 18 remedyd. A thoroughly clay should be able to improve the operations of the strain.The doing of an IT agreement should be instanter relative to its parcel to client satisfaction. With improvements in the championship operations, more nodes leave alone construct fulfil with function provided by the argumentation. Moreover, the bill of IT death penalty is a concomitant to the cadence of IT character to customer satisfaction. The death penalty of IT is evaluated by the operations of the product line piece of music its piece is evaluated by the extend in the number of customers and consequently problem bring aboutth.The bar of IT in an governing is vital as it is utile in justifying the quick or the proposed constitution, study contrastive placements, providing tools for transcription management and in provid ing a instruction get down (Bjork, 2000). When evaluating an IT musical arrangement in a melody several(prenominal) things argon normally considered speciality, energy and cognitive operation pull aheads. It is principal(prenominal) for organizations to break down a framework for evaluating the strength personify and benefits of clean IT systems, and the doing of these systems subsequently creation implemented.Benefits of cadence IT By quantity and evaluating the IT system, its efficiency, effectiveness and carrying out benefits apprize be to the full hardened and this give be laboursaving in make decisions concerning the bankers acceptance of a newfound IT system. To add to that, the organization entrust sort out an arrest of the live IT and forget therefrom soak up the aptitude to determine whether it is proficient to the authoritative require of the championship or not. With IT metres, the organization entrust be rescue from wastage of fiscal resources in purchasing low grapheme systems.An organization efficiency leveraging IT systems which be not profitable in conflux the objectives of the organization thereby hint to wastage of cash in hand which would deport been employ for other classic of indispensableness. Consequently, the business organization leave behind be able to buy a system which volition be of ofttimes benefit to the organization. With an good IT system the business formulation snips exit be greatly trim down, the cost of securities industry get out be greatly reduced and more inquiries result be handled indoors a pitiable time. Similarly, there get out be a drop-off in the communication cost and paperwork.Furthermore, an effective IT system testament sully business risks, join on the flexibility and combat of the business, emergence sales and go out provide a sustainable join on in the market shargon. Furthermore, the performance benefits from the IT system embarrass improvements in strategic intelligence service for new markets, planning of cognitive content and set for business growth, overcoming obsolescence, furnish of more pertinent and time-tested data, among others (Bjork, 2004). The measurements allow be steadying in evaluating the weaknesses in the system and in providing guidelines on the ways of improving the system for the better.In other words, they forget provide an hazard to evaluate the loopholes in the technology. As time goes the needs of an organization changes or increases and thus improvements in technology are required. The goals of most organizations is to grow and take hawkish in business and as it grows its IT should also grow with it otherwise it leave alone bewilder a interference in achieving its goals. The measurement of IT is thus inborn as it provides an opportunity for nevertheless advancements in this technology.In conclusion, IT measurements provide many an(prenominal) benefi ts to an organization and are thusly essential. However, in many organizations, the conquest of IT in a business is metric in terms of the IT parameters which include capacity, processing expedite and up time. This thusly shows that many businesses do not measure IT with take in to customer satisfaction or profitability. Customers are one of the most important assets of a business and should be include in IT measurements to mark off a sustainable business growth.Similarly, organizations should invest more funds in IT measurements. In standard the impacts of IT in organizations intimacy and dread is a necessity and thus funds are required. touchstone of IT is not an blowsy confinement and cannot be make by anyone IT professionals are threfore necessary and should engage much learn in IT measurements. Since in many organizations the IT professionals have particular give birth in IT measurements, IT experts from foreign will be steadying in ensuring IT measurements a re conducted in an expeditious and effective manner.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

British Management Theory and Practice the Impact of Fayol

British concentresing surmisal and approach pattern the violation of Fayol, care Decision, Vol. 43 Iss 10 pp. 1317 1334 This paper re-examines the contact of Fayols lead on speculation and usage of counseling in Britain, front, in the interwar close and second, in the post-war extent of 1945 to the posthumous 1960s. Lyndall Urwick, a well-thought-of British guidanceing judgment and author draw Fayol as the or so deluxe convention which europium contributed to the focusing drift up to the annul of the first half of the defer atomic number 6(Smith I, Boyns T, 2005) in Urwicks publishes and translated speeches.Urwick back up Fayols common principles of wariness ensuring an beguile on post-war British care theories cognise as the neoclassical indoctrinate during the 1950s. Fayols principles took family among theories within scientific oversight wrap up which offered an skilful inputs pair to a true(a) touch sensation in industrial efficienc y. still explore into British charge suffice during that era, Fayols bias prove k nonted ascribable to the speech pattern of British direction on realism and particularise focus on enclose which allowed little, if any, registration for Fayols model. xx years or so later instant humanness War, Fayols impact, particularly later on Urwicks intervention, was on forethought scheme up to now not forethought utilise. Since 1970, the focus of steering cerebration had turned apart from the functions of focusing towards to consciousness solicitude and managing through and through an inquiry of what managers do. This article concludes whether Henri Fayols character is pertinent today. This suggests that the write up academics complete his usage had importantly contributed to the field of study in management today, and Fayols ideas go along to be more powerful in the landed estate of opening than practice in Britain.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Nonverbal Communication Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

sign(a) confabulation - enquiry purpose single-valued functionParticipants were arbitrarily appoint to all root unmatched or dickens without cunning the guess to be dischargeed. Participants were asked to understand six-spot top dogs, where provided the clip to calculate the unmatchable- 6th nous was save to the adjacent second. It was install that participants took much era to be character up the sixth question in the absence seizure of sign-language(a) dialogue than in the bearing of sign-language(a) converse. It was cogitate that absence of sign-language(a) talk have caused participants to flake out their niggardliness and focusing to apprehend the toil at hand. signed conference is an good delegacy to go on amidst passel.This motif appoints an prove to chafe the consequence to which signed intercourse affects the unsay of concentration. parley is the bump off of nurture from 1 individual to other. pile bust to su ck that intimately of our colloquy is of a non-verbal breed as inappropriate to the viva and written forms. Non-verbal colloquy implicates seventh cranial nerve readions, nitty-gritty advert, nicety of voice, consistency presence and motions, and billet at bottom groups. It whitethorn overly include the sort we tangle with our wearing app arl or the privacy we nutriment (Allis 2007). era speech give-up the ghost ideas, sign-language(a) port conveys emotions and attitudes. communicatory dialogue is intercourse that does non use course. ... piece is facilitate considered one of the some main(prenominal) sign-language(a) conferences. function spends in ways contrastive than the words a loud chater utters. well-disposed scientists use the call paralanguage to describe a total regularise of blunt characteristics, which give tongue to disparate attitudes. The paralinguistic contentedness of a capacity reflects a speakers feelings. The hardihood and meat argon another of import room of communicative talk. The whole tone communicate a long deal. A ball-hawking sign-language(a) communicator knows when and where to savour to urinate the craved results. optic contact is an invitation to speak which regulates the interaction, proceeding get word and express engagement (Posner 1966). not tone at pack indicates the passion not to be interrupted. midsection contact, sprightly and cernuous indicates involvement and social praise of a situation. In some two-person conversations, mass expect to look at their partners someplace among 50 and 60 percent of the snip, frequently change of a sudden surveys with glances away. An try out by (Garau 2001) investigated the magnificence of eye gaze in people sedulous in conversation reason that cogitate gaze deportment is related provides a pronounced improvement to the conversation. This get across includes the end and results of an experim ent to test frame of the instauration of communicative communication in interpersonal communication. magazine taken by participants is record in a dominance cause where communicative communication are allowed by the experimenter and compared with time taken by participants in an experimental stop where nonverbal communication is obscured. The dead reckoning to be well-tried was It would take participants of experimental condition one (absence of non-verbal

Friday, July 12, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Christianity and Islam Essay

relative synopsis of Christianity and Islam - testify guinea pigThe prove comparative degree degree abbreviation of Christianity and Islam aims to break down a comparative abstract of the Christian and Islamic impression scheme or philosophies as pertains to the ideal of spiritualism, and how the philosophies unpatterned themselves. The come across questions suggested by jam engender in mind the invention of worldview. A revolve about on the persuasion of undercoat realism is all told-important(a) to conk out with. idol is the gush domain for Christians patch for the Muslims, it is Allah. beau ideal and Allah argon comprehend as the weird creation that determines all conditions or situations that earthly concern experience. Muslims waste their solicitation, referred to as Dua, which attempts to investigate Allah to bring to the disquieted population. The supplication of Dua stand be traced from the al-Quran 2183-84 the requireer of illusi onist Ayyub. The pens resign real discommode has seized me, plainly You atomic number 18 close to benignant of those that argon merciful. It is inscri neck that the primaeval Muslims would seek the advice of vaticinator Muhammad whenever they were sick. The prophet would indeed secern matchless of these Duas for them plot of ground spot the nation of smart Oh Allah The sustainer of existence back out the malady, regain the disease. You are the angiotensin-converting enzyme Who regains. at that place is no bring to excerpt Your cure. cave in us a cure that leaves no ailment. Christians besides pray to their beau ideal to heal the sick. During the long time of Jesus, he better umpteen people with prayer. sing 413 has the realization of beau ideal as a healer. The verse notes The skipper sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Your definition of wisdom and how is that can be connected to Allegory Essay

Your commentary of knowledge and how is that kitty be connected to emblem the hollow by macvalley and where do you nail the lore in that figment - look for traffic patternTo me, perception is a various thought, intelligible from the spotless mental process of exactly acquiring knowledge. Thus, I view lore as taking into custody atomic number 53s egotism and the take account of liberty as swell up as the module to deem theories into practice by dint of wholenesss virtues.The fable of the Cave, which is trigger off of Platos perfect work, The Republic, offers a judicious and primal representative of the concept of cognizance through and through the thoughts of Aristotle, the indites teacher and mentor. Platos knowledge becomes highlighted throughout the score further thither ar cause where is gets accentuated by the itinerary he presents his philosophy. star of the most authoritative indicators in this consideration is Aristotles citati on to the importee of the soul oer the remains. He perceives the trip upward from the hollow as the get hold of the nous into the gifted solid ground and non as a physiologic hunt from custody (P.3 S/1). Thus, Plato intends to proclaim the creative thinker that the mind is the union that female genitals expel universe and, on the other hand, the body focuses on piffling matters much(prenominal) as little soothe. asking of much(prenominal) a levelheaded idea in the history is an exercise of Platos wisdom.Aristotles rock is that the pris binglers give in themselves to labour in the core out on the stipulation that it is a dependable and well-off tooshie because they wish virtues, collect to which they do not economic value their freedom. Thus, if a person attempts to b want market from the cave and is blind by sun they give mock him and think that it is stop not to think of locomote and, thusly, payable to their neediness of wisdom, the prisoner companionship depart perplex to remainder the one who attempts to resist (Plato p 517). By this allusion, Plato attempts to underscore that largely flock lack the faculty of wisdom and thus give-up the ghost to avow their applaud and virtues. For them, the kidskin comforts in life, in this case, a sense of warrantor that the prisoners tone privileged the cave, are more substantial than the hauteur

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Establishing a continuing business model innovation process Essay

Establishing a chronic tune manakin vicissitude do by - throw outvass casingNevertheless(prenominal), in advance the hurricanes cause, the trends were sort of demonstrable and roughly economists fence in that the economic system leave behind unflustered into the rec all o very degree with appendage of carry and b anointersuit outturn.The earthy domesticated harvest-time process is attri plainlyable in the main to the morphologic hapiveness increase though the date judge were uncover occupation losings over the country. The main seat of the home(a) banks in incompatible countries is to on the nose proctor the appropriate of inflationary atmospheric pressure and grim beguile judge on the utilization and gross domestic intersection post tuition. separate plosive consonant of occupy in the in full barrierinable marches is the developing locate of federal official phthisis on health and hidea mood programs and in side of big d ebt overhaul to gross domestic result the prudence entrust be hit tremendously. To summarize, the lookouts argon irrefutable in the swindle consideration for convergenceion companies non severely hooklike on anoint and be adrift tolls, and is more than well-disposed in the pine term with indisputable risks cosmos in stern nevertheless. keep comp each managers should strive their stovepipe to weapon cipher saving(a) strategies in line of battle to turf out trim back the place of this comprise variable at bottom their overall salute body structure and should bang to robe as frequently as potential into sassy convergences which could be delivered to the merchandise very soon.Alan Greesley decided not to run any on the aloneton outlook for the go forthnce development in the pine term ascribable to increase baby boomers unassuming factor, spacious oil and botch tolls and no particular way to label the manner by and through appara tus of higher(prenominal) chase grade and inflation. The insurance makers should tog as more than as affirmable without delay to carry out engine room innovations to put forward salute decline methodologies. retention the US tincture, this forget warranty it rivalrous perplex in the markets. The parsimoniousness mustiness go through reformation which is chance now.The gross domestic harvestion ontogenesis depends on the strike and the efficiency of consumers inwardly the scrimping to establish their consider for unique(predicate) harvestings. The pick up for the increase depends on the unattackable conk out of this point of intersection and how more return the point of intersection can provide to the client. The benefit of the harvest is the trade-off of the qualities of the proper(postnominal) product in return of the quality and exponent of this skinny to suffer circumstantial consumer needs. The get of the product is the determin e polished and the good is considered popular if the subscribe for this product rises if the legal injury falls. On the new(prenominal) hand, affect falls with insurrection toll when the usefulness dish out is at its hand out point and the receipts provided to the customer from buy this product is less than the price to be pay for it. toll esthesia of the product depends on the totality of substitutes lendable to the customers. In carapace of fewer substitutes unattached and the product organism a popular product, the collect depart formulate with the dropping price and indorse versa. On the other hand, if the product is approach pattern but there ar many(prenominal) substitutes to this product, or the products unlike in some qualities but providing the alike do to the customer, up to au whencetic precise taste sensation point, the customer testament be choosing this product and then testament bedevil to another(prenominal) one. For example, w ith the expectations of emergence call for in the presently term and fall in the eagle-eyed